Hello, I am teachingisgood! I am a university student with a true passion for learning and sharing my understanding with others. I started creating educational resources at the very beginning of my GCSEs, in Year 10, and ever since, I have continued to find ways which I think I can help others to learn and teach more easily. As a student in the British educational system, I have seen first hand, through taking exams (all while through the pandemic) what the most effective ways to learn in real life are. I truly have enjoyed learning so much about different topics, and so I want others to feel the same when they learn. I hope that you find my resources enjoyable, whether you are a tutor or tutee!
I myself have seen loads of presentations, worksheets, booklets and resources which just bore you and have too much text or not enough information. My aim is to get rid of these resources and bring in resources that are interactive and fun. It will engage you with the topic and encourage you to learn by the use of a simple layout, animations, links, videos to help you follow along!
I am pleased to announce that teachingisgood will also be writing a blog with a focus on student life, and how to cope with it whilst maintaining academic efforts. It is no secret that school, GCSEs, A-levels and University can be extremely stressful situations that can have a huge impact on your life. This blog is at all students, no matter which level you're at. This blog is here to give you something relatable, and to show you that you are not alone in this. Everyone is doing exams, and no one can say that they find school completely stress-free. Please read this blog, share, and support, because I really hope that it will be able to support you.
You can use the form below to get in touch straight away, or email me at hello.teachingisgood@gmail.com

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